
Sweet pancakes

Ingredients Batter: 100g plain flour, 1 egg, pinch of salt, 50g margarine or oil, 250ml milk

Batter: 100g plain flour, 1 egg, pinch of salt, 50g margarine or oil, 250ml milk

To serve: Lemon or orange juice, sugar, banana, chocolate spread, golden or maple syrup

Children's age All ages

Makes 6-8 pancakes

Preparation time 45 minutes

Cooking time 3-4 minutes per side

T = together A = adult

T Sift 100g plain flour into a mixing bowl. Add a pinch of salt.

T Whisk up egg. Make a well in the centre of the flour and add the egg. Mix well with a wooden spoon.

T Measure out 250ml milk. Slowly add it to the flour and egg mixture. Beat well and make sure all the flour is incorporated so the mixture is smooth and has no lumps. Batter can also be covered with cling film or a tea-towel and left in the fridge.

A Put a knob of margarine in a small, heavy-bottomed frying pan. Place over a medium heat until it melts and the pan is very hot.

A Carefully spoon 2 tbsp batter into the centre of the pan. Move it from side to side so batter covers the base of the pan with a thin, even layer.

A Allow the pancake to brown on each side for about three minutes, tossing or turning with a spatula.

T Serve sprinkled with lemon juice and sugar; or rolled up with mashed banana with chocolate spread; or squeeze over juice from half an orange with a little golden or maple syrup. Pancake Day is 27 February!