
Cheese bread rolls

Ingredients 450g strong plain flour, 25g caster sugar, 7g fresh acting dried yeast, 50g margarine, 1 egg, 100g cheddar cheese, 175ml lukewarm milk, salt and mustard powder, 3 tblsp milk or beaten egg for glaze

450g strong plain flour, 25g caster sugar, 7g fresh acting dried yeast, 50g margarine, 1 egg, 100g cheddar cheese, 175ml lukewarm milk, salt and mustard powder, 3 tblsp milk or beaten egg for glaze

Children's age All ages

Makes 8-10 rolls

Preparation time 45 minutes

Cooking time 20-25 minutes

T= together A = adult

A Grease a baking tray. Melt 50g margarine and heat 175ml of milk, then combine.

T Sift 450g flour into a mixing bowl, add 1 tsp sugar, a pinch of salt and mustard powder, 7g of yeast and mix.

T Make a well in the centre of the mixture and slowly pour in the milk and margarine. Whisk the egg into another bowl and add to the flour.

A Grate cheese and add to the mix.

T Mix until a soft dough is created.

T Turn the dough out on to a floured surface and knead for five minutes.

T Put the dough into a clear, floured food bag and leave in a warm place to allow the yeast to act until the dough has risen to double in size.

T Preheat oven to gas mark 7/220xC.

T Turn out dough on to a floured surface, knead gently and divide into eight to ten pieces.

T Shape each piece into a round bun and place on the baking tray, making a few cuts across the top of each.

T Glaze rolls by brushing some milk or beaten egg over the top.

A Bake for 20-25 minutes.

A Remove the rolls from the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack.