
Everyday maths through everyday provision

Explore how maths can be promoted in early years settings and how negative attitudes can be challenged.

Delegates will have opportunities to:

  • Explore how maths can be promoted through continuous provision inside and outside in the enabling EYFS environment.
  • Consider the vital role of the adult in supporting mathematical learning and talk.
  • Think reflectively about the mathematical opportunities offered to children in their care and ways to enhance and improve it further.
  • Consider and challenge the negative attitudes sometimes perceived about mathematics and consider how this affects young children and the provision offered.

Trainer: Elaine Bennett, Early Education

Time: 9.30 am – 12.30pm

Cost:      Members £170, or with early bird discount (until 16 December) £140

Non-members £215, or with early bird discount (until 16 December) £185

Book: http://www.early-education.org.uk/everyday-maths-through-everyday-provision