
Domestic Abuse Bill

The Government is seeking views on its proposals to get tougher on the perpetrators of domestic abuse.

A consultation on this bill contains a new definition of economic abuse as well as tougher penalties where domestic abuse is witnessed by children.

The bill proposes a new type of sanction: Domestic Abuse Protection Orders (DAPOs) which would allow police and courts to intervene earlier where abuse is suspected.

Aspects of the bill have been welcomed by survivor’s groups but the End Violence Against Women coalition has said it ‘will be a missed opportunity if it doesn’t go further than small changes to criminal sanctions and sentencing’ , calling for more funding for health services, schools, the welfare and housing systems and refuges.

This consultation asks questions under four main themes:

  • promote awareness – to put domestic abuse at the top of everyone’s agenda, and raise public and professionals’ awareness
  • protect and support – to enhance the safety of victims and the support that they receive
  • pursue and deter – to provide an effective response to perpetrators from initial agency response through to conviction and management of offenders, including rehabilitation
  • improve performance – to drive consistency and better performance in the response to domestic abuse across all local areas, agencies and sectors


Consultation documents can be found here

Consultation closes 12:15am on 31 May 2018