
Surveys on childcare and early years in England

The Government wants to hear views on how data is collected and used for two major early years surveys.

The Government is seeking to hear views on the childcare and early years survey of parents, which provides information on parents with children aged 0 to 14 in England. It covers parents’ and their children’s use of childcare and early years provision, and their views and experiences.

It is also seeking views on the survey of childcare and early years providers, which collects information on the main characteristics of childcare and early years providers in England.

Is is consulting on the following aspects of each survey:

  • frequency
  • sampling
  • mode(s)
  • topic coverage
  • outputs and approaches to dissemination

Any changes to the surveys will be introduced from 2019 onwards.

Consultation documents can be found here

Consultation closes: 11:45pm on 18 May 2018