
Careers: Where do I go from here?

Name: Sue Smith

Age: 44

Current role: Outreach family support worker

Qualifications: NNEB, CPD in speech and language support


I have worked with children since gaining my NNEB. My first job was as a nursery nurse on a paediatric ward for children under five. I then took a career break to start my own family. After this I did some part-time work in a private nursery and worked in reception classes, first in a large primary school, then in a smaller, village school. I have also served as a school governor.

What I do

I am the only full-time member of a team of three family support workers. I work in partnership with families who have asked for support, guidance within the family home and in the two children's centres in which I'm based.

The service aims to improve the children's opportunities and outcomes and encourages families to provide and access high-quality childcare or play opportunities.

Referrals are made either by the family themselves or by request from another professional already working with them. At this point I will make an appointment to meet the family to discuss their needs and how best they can be met.

I aim to empower the family, to raise their own aspirations and expectations for themselves and their children.

We are currently piloting the Common Assessment Framework and often I am the lead professional and responsible for arranging reviews and notifying other professionals involved.

My working week is flexible. It allows me to respond to the immediate needs of any family on my caseload. These families know that I am always on the other end of a phone. Some I see as little as once a fortnight, others I may see on a daily basis, and this can be in the centre or the community. Building relationships with the parents, children and any other professionals who have links with the family is an important part of my role.

I am also a team member of a group that provides early intervention sessions once a week for children with special needs.


To continue to build on my experience and qualifications to support my current role.


Tina Jeffries, director of the Red Space Company (www.redspace company.com)

Sue's NNEB qualification stands her in good stead to work in a range of health, education or social care settings. Her value is clearly enhanced by having worked with children in challenging circumstances, such as on a paediatric ward. Her own parenting skills are also of great value when seeking to understand and communicate with parents.

Sue's responsibilities require her to manage her own caseload and help assess the social, health and learning needs of young children and their families. Working within a multi-agency team, sometimes in a lead professional role, will enable Sue to consider a range of options as the children's workforce and services become more integrated through training and service delivery. She could consider some further training in management or a sector-specific foundation or first degree.

Parent adviser - local authority

Sue's experience of managing her own casework within a team, along with her qualification and work in schools, are very appropriate. These positions are placed within a county council's parent partnership services. Good communication skills and the knowledge and understanding of the rights of parents/carers are essential to this work.

Responsibilities in the role would include supporting parents/carers of children and young people who have special educational needs and require close working between parents/carers, schools and other agencies.

- Salary range £19,000 - £25,000

Family support scheme manager - Home Start

Sue's understanding of child development and learning, and experience of providing support, advice and guidance to families in their own homes is very transferable to this role. Working with people from other agencies is also a useful and necessary requirement.

This role is in the voluntary sector, so responsibilities would include some recruitment and training of family visiting volunteers, and management of a team of organisers. She would work in liaison with other referral agencies and services and ensure any scheme provides the quality and level of service that is required by the national standards of Home Start UK.

- Salary range £21,033 - £24,708

Deputy head of children's centre

This role may suit Sue if she is looking for progression by taking further qualifications. The National Professional Qualification in Integrated Centre Leadership (NPQICL) is specifically designed for those working, or intending to work in this type of role, so is a course for her to consider in future.

The fact that Sue has been working within a children's centre will have given her insight into the diversity of this type of setting and the team responsibilities to run it.

Responsibilities in this role would include managing, prioritising and organising staff workloads and the provision for families and children within the setting, as well as liaising with other associated agencies.

- Salary range £25,000 - £45,000 (depending on size and location of centre and qualifications).