
Work matters: Careers - Where do I go from here?

Careers & Training
With a job portfolio in the health service, lecturing, assessing, nursery inspecting and local authority management, and studying for a higher degree, where would Tina Jefferies suggest this candidate goes?


As an NNEB I started off in Birmingham's public health department and then moved into hospital work. In the early days of bringing up my family I worked as a childminder and playgroup supervisor and later on moved through a variety of roles, including community outreach worker, lecturer and assessor for early years childcare courses, and manager for Family Learning Projects across the West Midlands. In 2000 I became an Ofsted nursery inspector, then moved into local authority posts, becoming manager for Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership Education and Children's Services at Sandwell in 2003. In 2006 I took over my current position.


I am responsible for delivering a childcare strategy for my local authority which involves sufficiency assessments, the securing of childcare, business support and ensuring sustainability and quality of care for children from birth to 14 (or 19 if they have disabilities).

With the EYFS we are ensuring that all providers looking after children up to the age of eight are working hard towards implementing the new framework. The biggest challenge is to close the inequality gap so that all children enjoy the same opportunities and have the same positive outcomes. Economic well-being is one of the five outcomes under Every Child Matters we address, and this involves supporting families in trying to get back into work.

I try not to be detached from what is going on at the coalface, but this can be difficult when you are dealing with so many other agencies and organisations from an office position. I like to get out to visit settings as often as possible. Yesterday, for example, we carried out an Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, where we measured the quality of resources and staff interaction. I try to visit as wide a variety of provision as often as possible and enjoy consulting with children and staff.


I am currently studying for a doctorate in Education, entitled Learning and Learning Contexts. I thoroughly enjoy the job I am in and wherever I have undertaken training, new jobs and opportunities have always come up.


Over the years Lynn has gained experience of early years provision, and the issues that affect children and families, by working in a range of roles at different levels within the health, education and social care sectors.

This demonstrates the flexibility of Lynn's initial training. Her NNEB qualification enabled her to work in an intensive care hospital setting working with babies, parents and medical practitioners and later in provision for children with severe learning difficulties. Working directly with other professionals from different disciplines and settings creates an excellent foundation from which to develop a progressive career in early years and childcare.

Assistant Director of Children and Young People's Services

Lynn's most recent employment involves planning strategic local government priorities to improve outcomes for children. She may consider a similar role but with additional responsibility for leading wider children's services, especially as her passion for improving outcomes has clearly been at the centre of her career.

This is a very senior position that requires excellent leadership, management and professional credibility, as well as an ability to work with different agencies at local, regional and national levels.

- Salary range: from £75,000 (depending on locality and specific responsibilities)


Lynn demonstrates her commitment to continuing professional development through her study towards a doctorate in Education and progressively climbing a training framework throughout her career. This is inspiring to those setting out on training pathways, as well as those developing their own careers with advanced qualifications. As a university lecturer, teaching students on BA and MA programmes in Childhood Studies, she would be able to transfer her sector and working knowledge into a specialist research and teaching role, once her doctorate is completed.

- Salary range: £36,800 - £43,400


Having worked in a senior position for several years, Lynn may like to consider a more flexible role as a freelance consultant, through which she could develop a portfolio of work for organisations supporting children's services. Working on either a self-employed or employed basis, part-time or full-time, she would provide guidance and support to managers in the strategic development of children's services. Previous knowledge and experience at a senior level within a local authority or national organisation is necessary for this type of work.

- Salary range: from £450 per day (self-employed/employed)

Name: Lynn Beckett

Age: 56

Current role:

Head of Early Years and Childcare Unit, School Improvement Division, Children and Young People's Services, Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council


BA (Hons) in Education, NNEB, currently studying for a doctorate in Education

Tina Jefferies, director of the Red Space Company; www.redspacecompany.com.