
Music therapy training available for early years settings

A music charity has announced free training for early years practitioners for a third year.

South London-based charity Music as Therapy International is offering seven free places on its Interactive Music-Making course for 2019-20.

The six-month training, which has been running since 2010, aims to provide staff with the skills and confidence to use music in a therapeutic way with children in their care.

Music as Therapy International launched an awards scheme in 2017 to provide over half the places on the course free of charge in an attempt to combat financial challenges faced by nurseries and children’s centres.

The awards have allowed the project to reach more than 13,000 children through music programmes run by course graduates.

A further five places will be available for 2019-20 either part-subsidised or at full cost.

Successful award applicants will receive a free place on the course as well as a set of musical instruments for their setting to sustain long-term music practice, and a contribution made towards staff cover and travel costs.

Alexia Quin, director of Music as Therapy International, and co-founder of Interactive Music-Making, said, ‘Music has continually proven to be one of the most powerful and inclusive mediums for learning, regardless of age, ability, interest or background.

‘By providing access to Interactive Music-Making programme for free, we are enabling early years settings and the children who access their services to benefit from the countless benefits music has to offer.’

Director of Crafty Wizards Pre-Schools in London and Kent, Matthew Byrne, who enrolled three members of staff on the course in 2018, said, ‘Interactive Music-Making is the magic spell to unlock children's early communication. It provides opportunities to engage inspire and challenge in a fun an interactive way. It can benefit every child.’

The course will run from September 2019 until June 2020 at James Wolfe Primary School, Greenwich, London.

Applications for an award scheme place must be made through care settings such as nurseries or pre-schools, not by individuals.

Applications open on Thursday 16 May and the deadline is Friday 2 August.