
Essential EYFS advice from top experts at Nursery World's online Show 2021

The Nursery World Show 2021 is moving online, giving visitors the opportunity to access an extensive CPD programme of masterclasses and seminars and connect with colleagues, speakers and exhibitors from across the UK – and the globe.

Nursery World Show Virtual will provide two days of live and on-demand content from renowned expert early years speakers, on 5-6 February. Through registering their free place and booking onto CPD seminars and masterclasses, attendees will be able to reflect on the year past, discover updated best practice, and explore inspiring products and resources in the virtual exhibition and marketplace.

The CPD programme will provide invaluable insights into the revised EYFS framework and Development Matters guidance, as well as best-practice advice on a raft of themes from behaviour and loose parts to supporting children with autistic spectrum disorders.


Keynote speaker at Friday’s masterclass – ‘Future play and learning: helping every child to achieve under the revised EYFS and guidance’ – is Dr Julian Grenier, head teacher of Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s and lead on the revised Development Matters guidance.

Joining him will be Sarah Tillotson, of the Education Endowment Foundation, to speak about solutions to the attainment gap, and Michael Pettavel and Dr Alison Stewart of Brougham Street Nursery School, Skipton, North Yorkshire, to give advice on meeting children’s personal, social and emotional needs, particularly post-lockdown.

 Opening Saturday’s masterclass – ‘Child health and well-being: lessons past, present and future’ – will be child health expert Dr Ronny Cheung, who will look at health inequalities in young children before and after COVID-19. Among the speakers joining him is health promotion expert Dr Jackie Musgrave, of the Open University, who will outline strategies for promoting healthy eating and physical exercise among young children, particularly now that the Government is paying greater heed to the problem of childhood obesity.

 Seminar programme

The seminar programme incorporates a wide range of subjects and speakers. With an emphasis on curriculum and pedagogy within the revised EYFS guidance, consultant Jan Dubiel will be looking at the adult role and how Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Maths (STEAM) can provide an excellent basis for an early years curriculum.

Penny Tassoni will be considering outdoors provision for under-threes, while Alice Sharp will be giving advice on role play and home learning. Dr Jools Page, of the University of Brighton, will be re-examining the importance of the key person role and consultant Dr Stella Louis will be analysing the planning cycle.

New speakers within the seminar programme include autism expert, Dr Prithvi Perepa, from the University of Birmingham, and Dr Valerie Daniel, head teacher of Washwood Heath Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Birmingham, who will be focusing on ‘the best for every child’ theme within the revised EYFS guidance.

Returning to the Show will be digital technology expert and teacher Marc Faulder to explore the place of digital technology within the revised EYFS and how practitioners can build on their new technology know-how, following lockdown, to promote children’s understanding of their world through photography and video.

Other speakers include early years consultants Julia Manning-Morton, Stella Louis, Debbie Brace, Phil Armstrong and Ben Kingston-Hughes, and LEYF chief executive June O’Sullivan.

To see the full programme and register, visit: