
Early years expertise at your fingertips – find out what’s on at Nursery World Show Virtual

Nursery World Show Virtual on 5-6 February is packed with CPD seminars and masterclasses, free-to-attend exhibitor-led sessions, roundtable discussions and a wide range of exhibitors – find out what’s on offer so you make the most of your virtual visit!


With an inspiring, topical and educational mix of 20 seminars and two in-depth masterclasses to choose from, the CPD-certified programme at Nursery World Show Virtual will provide attendees with the same level of choice and variety as can be found at the in-person event each year.

The programme presents a wonderful opportunity to hear from a range of leading early years experts each covering topics vital to best practice and designed to boost your provision and support your ongoing professional development. This year many sessions focus heavily on the recent changes to the EYFS, the revised Development Matters guidance, and in the context of the newest challenges posed by Covid-19.



On Friday, as part of the masterclass ‘Future Play and Learning: helping every child to achieve under the revised EYFS and guidance’, our panel of speakers will provide advice on navigating the revised EYFS and guidance, planning for progression in children’s learning within a rich and balanced curriculum, and will reflect on the essentials of best practice in a post-Covid world.

Dr Julian Grenier, headteacher at Sheringham Nursery School and Children’s Centre, Sarah Tillotson, programme manager at The Education Endowment Foundation, Michael Pettavel and Dr Alison Stewart, headteacher and teacher respectively at Brougham Street Nursery School will explore the challenge which early years practitioners face in revisiting what really matters when supporting young children’s play and how to build a learning environment that enables every child to thrive.

On Saturday, the masterclass ‘Child health and well-being: lessons past, present and future’ will examine the current crisis in child health and the need for early years settings to prioritise children’s health and physical development through health promotion and physical play. With the pandemic having highlighted children’s need to move, explore and express themselves, and the inequalities that can come with poverty and cramped inner-city living, this topical masterclass will provide great insight into a universal challenge.

Dr Ronny Cheung, joint head of service for general paediatrics at Evelina Children’s Hospital, Dr Jackie Musgrave, programme leader for early childhood, Open University, and Julie Mountain, outdoor learning and play consultant will look at the main causes of poor health in young children, what the pandemic reveals about poverty and ill-health, the vital contributions that early years practitioners can make to addressing the problems and much more.


A packed seminar programme will feature topics from across the EYFS, with speakers including Dr Prithvi Perepa, Alice Sharp, Phil Armstrong, Dr Stella Louis, Penny Tassoni MBE, Jan Dubiel and many others speaking on topics at the heart of best practice including the Prime areas outdoors, curriculum, inclusion, the Ofsted Inspection Framework, equality and diversity and lots more.

Free workshops and roundtables

Make the most of a lively mix of free-to-attend presentations and roundtable discussions in the Live Theatre. Our sponsors will be delivering their own exhibitor-led sessions throughout the event, all taking place in Stream 3 of the overall programme.

This rich stream of content on an exciting, thought-provoking range of topics will provide a fantastic opportunity to gain expert advice from suppliers, to hear about the latest thinking on areas of practice, learning and development and to find out about products in action – all with a view to supporting early years professionals in their delivery of the highest quality teaching and learning environments for children. Join these sessions free to hear from some of the sector’s leading advocates including headline sponsor TTS, careers partner LEYF, OakNorth Bank and tiney.

The virtual exhibition

We are delighted to welcome an exceptional range of exhibitors to Nursery World Show Virtual. Exhibitors will be keen to showcase their exciting products and services, highlight their special offers, and to meet and connect with you during the event.

The platform is designed to support and encourage interactions and connectivity between visitors and exhibitors – make the most of the opportunity to live chat with exhibitors, or to arrange meetings and video calls during the event.