
Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders

A resource pack to help carers 'think through' ways to make their services more appropriate for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has been published by the National Autistic Society. The 'Thinking it Through' pack introduces the concept of the spectrum of autism and emphasises the ways in which autism impacts on each individual. It also advises on providing care and transport, and helping children develop and gain independence. National Autistic Society volunteers manager Claire Rintoul said, 'The pack will help services look at the support they provide and investigate ways in which this can be tailored to meet the needs of children with ASD.' The Thinking it Through pack costs 12, including p&p. It can be ordered from the Shared Care Network on 0117 941 5361 or e-mail shared-care
A resource pack to help carers 'think through' ways to make their services more appropriate for children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) has been published by the National Autistic Society. The 'Thinking it Through'

pack introduces the concept of the spectrum of autism and emphasises the ways in which autism impacts on each individual. It also advises on providing care and transport, and helping children develop and gain independence. National Autistic Society volunteers manager Claire Rintoul said, 'The pack will help services look at the support they provide and investigate ways in which this can be tailored to meet the needs of children with ASD.' The Thinking it Through pack costs 12, including p&p. It can be ordered from the Shared Care Network on 0117 941 5361 or e-mail shared-care