
Nursery Management: Editor's view

Inevitably, the current economic climate is now deepening concerns around the sector's well-documented market challenges.

Lack of profitability remains the greatest barrier to sustainability. Asthe recent Childcare and Early Years Providers Survey 2007 reveals, lessthan a third of full daycare providers are now making a profit, despitetheir numbers and places still increasing.

And while nursery practitioners are growing in numbers and achievinghigher level qualifications, this has yet to be reflected in highersalary levels. In fact, for many, pay remains scandalously low.

In our lead feature some key sector professionals tackle these issueshead on. The free entitlement, pay, Early Years Professional Status,inspections, training and the EYFS all come under scrutiny.

On a positive note, the Early Years Capital Grant is giving PVInurseries a great opportunity to improve the quality and scope of theirprovision. On page 18 we provide the lowdown on what the grant can payfor and the best way to apply.

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