
Nursery Management: Canopies and shades - Sail away

Canopies and shade sails have allowed settings to make full use of outdoor space whatever the weather, says Sue Learner.

With the British climate becoming increasingly unpredictable, many nurseries are investing in canopies and shade sails to turn their outdoor areas into spaces that can be used in rain, wind or sunshine.

Given protection from the elements - especially harmful UV rays - most nursery activities can potentially move outdoors and learning opportunities can be extended. Children also enjoy eating, sleeping, reading and having quiet times out in the fresh air.

Canopies and shades can be small, large or multi-coloured, they can be shaped to fit around corners and even link buildings together. There is a huge range on offer - the challenge is in choosing what is right for your setting.



Canopies UK's main product and the one most in demand is its System 2000 range of canopies. The roofing panels have a UV filter that blocks out any harmful rays and they are resistant to wind and rain. They are ideal for creating covered play areas or covered walkways.

The Coniston Wall Mounted Canopy installed by Able Canopies is also good for settings needing something for all weathers. The canopy can literally wrap around the building offering shade to all the rooms. It also offers protection from the rain giving the staff somewhere to permanently store play equipment.

Christine Baines, Able Canopies' marketing assistant says: 'The canopy is made from polycarbonate panels which are light in weight and up to 200 times stronger than glass and ten times stronger than uPVC panels. It can be coloured to match the existing scheme. The Coniston Canopies block up to 99 per cent of UV rays.'

With heavy snowfall becoming more common in Britain, the Keep It Group's Weatherproof Shade Sails are engineered to withstand snow loads of 22kg per m2. A winch system can be installed to enable settings to lower the sails and easily remove build-ups of snow and leaves. They can then be retensioned in their original position. The company's range of shade sails is also engineered to be wind resistant up to Force 10.

Shade sails look attractive and come in bright eye-catching colours, offering high sun protection, blocking up to 99 per cent of the UV rays, according to the fabric.

Able Canopies' Shade Sails are made of knitted polyethylene fabric, so do not rot or absorb moisture, and they are lock-stitched for extra strength and durability. They come with a full ten-year guarantee. The company also offers waterproof Shade Sails.

The Keep It Group testifies to the fact that a simple shade sail or tension structure makes a strong visual statement. It can put the nursery logo and name on to the shade.


Putting safety first

It is important to consider whether you want a structure with or without posts. The Canopies UK system is cantilevered needing no posts at the front end. Sales director Jason Eastwood says, 'This is one of the reasons nurseries choose this system as there are no posts for the children to bump into. It also means canopies can be positioned in areas not previously thought suitable.'

Companies such as Able Canopies provide multi-coloured posts which will stand out and post pads filled with non-absorbent foam to protect children should they bump into them. High visibility yellow is the most popular post pad colour.

The Keep It Group offers anti-climb collars to prevent children climbing on to the structures.



Able Canopies' polyethylene fabric shade sails are virtually maintenance free and need only the occasional hose down with water. Its waterproof version, meanwhile, is made of maintenance-free tensile fabric. The company recommends warm water and a non-abrasive cleaner. Its Coniston Canopies have built-in properties which means the canopy requires only periodic cleaning.

The Keep It Group range of shade sails are also easy to clean and resistant to rot and mildew.

The Canopies UK range is manufactured from GRP - more commonly known as fibreglass - so is strong and virtually maintenance free. And being coloured, the canopies require no painting. Mr Eastwood says, 'They should last a lifetime as they are extremely durable and will never rot.

Fabric Ten's shade sails are also easy to clean with a brush and hosepipe or pressure washer. It recommends that they are taken down during the winter months and should be cleaned and checked before being stored away.

For those nurseries considering shades for use in the spring and summer months only, a more temporary option is a retractable giant umbrella installed by M&D Gee. These can be put up on hot, sunny days to protect the children then easily taken down in cooler weather.



  • Does the canopy or shade have UV protection?
  • What can you get for your money?
  • How long will the canopy last?
  • When getting a quote, check to see if it includes all the options, such as delivery to the setting and installation.
  • Colour is often an important consideration as this can help to stimulate play and add variety and interest to the outdoor play environment.
  • In early years settings think about whether only direct sun protection is wanted or whether the play space is to be all-weather proof for use during rainy and windy days.
  • Planning permission is required for sail shades and canopies.



  • Canopies are generally all-weather permanent structures protecting children from rain, wind and sun.
  • They are very flexible and can be tailor-made to fit around the building or even join buildings together.
  • If canopies are wall mounted, they have no front poles fixing them into the ground which removes the danger of children bumping into them.
  • They can be used to store play equipment.


  • Shade sails can block up to 99 per cent of harmful UV rays.
  • Light and air can still pass through the sail but the temperature in the shaded area is reduced by up to 32 per cent.
  • They stand out visually and are manufactured in bright, strong colours.
  • They can be used as a branding tool displaying the nursery's name and logo.
  • Some shade sails will have to be dismantled during the winter months as they could be damaged by snowfall.



The Old Station Nursery in Faringdon accessed a £5,000 capital grant from Oxfordshire County Council and had an outdoor canopy installed.

Liz Clements, manager of the nursery says, 'Our garden had no shade and is a real sun trap so I wanted something that would keep the sun off the children in the summer.

'The nursery is in a converted railway station which is listed so we needed something in keeping with the building and something that we would be able to remove from the wall if we needed to.'

Ms Clements explains that she looked at sail shades first and obtained some quotes. 'But I didn't want any poles sticking up from the ground as I felt that would be a hazard for the children,' she says.

'Then I got in touch with Canopies UK and it came out and put up a wall-mounted canopy. It also comes and gives it a service once a year. The company seemed to tick all the boxes for us.

'The canopy provides a sun filter so the children can play out in the peak of the hot weather. We believe it is also the sturdiest of all the canopies so is not affected by wind or snow.'

For the Old Station Nursery it means staff and children can access the garden for much longer periods. 'At the moment we have a piano under the canopy which the children can play. Formerly we had a building site there with crates and sand and tubes, but the imaginative play opportunities have now been extended,' says Ms Clements.

'It has also enhanced the staff's enthusiasm for the garden as they can get out more for different activities. We enjoy singing out there and use the parachute. We have hung chimes and mobiles from the canopy.

'We are so pleased with it and what it enables us to do and how it has improved learning opportunities while we are outside.'



When Steps to School Day Nursery in Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent, secured funding from Sure Start to extend the garden and create a bigger outdoor play area it opted for a sail shade.

Its manager, Claire Sexton, says: 'We wanted to put something in the middle to give shade to the children and we opted for a shade sail because it is a free-standing structure. We chose to buy from Fabric Ten as the company seemed to really listen to what we wanted.'

A running track in different colours of a rubber safety surface has been installed around the sail shade. Ms Sexton reports this has made it much more interesting for the children and the shade sail has become part of their play.

'We have also had an all weather Halo Sail put up so we can use the play area in all conditions,' she says. 'Having the shade sail and the all-weather sail has had a huge impact on the nursery. It has extended the children's imaginative play and it has meant that when it is raining or if it is really sunny and hot they can still go outside.' Halo's single support pole ensures a minimum impact on space and movement.

Ms Sexton believes it is important to use a supplier who is prepared to listen to what is required. 'We wanted something that was basic and practical,' she says. 'We had to take the shade sail down in the winter because of the snow but we can keep the all-weather sail up all of the time.'