
The biggest, the best in the new issue of Nursery Chains!

The latest edition of Nursery World's ever-popular supplement, Nursery Chains, is now out, with our exclusive Top 25 table of groups, quality rankings by Ofsted report, and profiles of successful businesses

Busy Bees remains in the number one spot in our table of the 25 largest nursery chains, with 137 settings and 11,831 registered places. Bright Horizons is second, followed by Just Learning, Asquith and Kidsunlimited.

We've also ranked the biggest groups by their Ofsted grades to give a measure of quality, allocating points for outstanding, good, satisfactory and inadequate, averaged by the number of reports. Here, north-east chain Kids 1st is top, with two-thirds of its setting outstanding and the rest good.

Childbase is at number two, followed by Childcare Corporation.

Our exclusive directory of nursery chains is bigger and better than ever, with details of setting locations and registered places, head office and directors, staff numbers and future plans for every group.

We look at how the big nursery groups are looking to prosper and grow in tough economic times; how chains are preparing to roll out the revised EYFS; and profile five newcomers to our directory.

We also talk to Ruth Pimentel, former early years head of National Strategies, about how she has boosted the commercial performance and quality of Toad Hall Nursery Group since taking over a year ago; and we show what made Cranley Nursery our Nursery Chain of the Year.

Make sure you don't miss any of our supplements, including Nursery Chains, Nursery Management and Nursery Equipment, by taking out a subscription to Nursery World. You'll also receive every issue of Nursery World and be able to access all the new content and complete archive on the website.