
See Penny Tassoni speak on multingualism at Nursery World North

Careers & Training
All early years practitioners need to know how to support multilingual children, so book your place for Penny Tassoni's seminar at Nursery World North.

'Supporting Mulitlingual Children in a Group Setting' will explain how multilingualism can benefit a child’s early development, the principles of best practice and pointers on creating a rich and supportive multilingual learning environment.

Speaker: Penny Tassoni, highly-renowned early years consultant, trainer and author, whose books include Penny Tassoni’s EYFS Handbook.

The seminar is from 10.00-11.00 on Saturday 6 May.

Don't miss the early bird rate of £16 (+VAT) for bookings made by 31st March.

Book tickets at http://www.nurseryworldshow.com/liverpool/seminar-and-masterclass/10-00-11-00-3