
On the menu: Apricot Chicken and Shepherd's Pie

Recipes from Dizzy Ducks Favourite Recipe Collection book

Apricot Chicken and Sweet Potato

Provided by Amelie Fairhead from Mayflower Nursery - a perfect recipe for weaning.Suitable for six months; prep time six minutes; cooking time 25 minutes; suitable for freezing; makes five portions.


1 tbsp sunflower oil

40g chopped onion

2 chicken thigh fillets (approx 175g), trimmed and cut into pieces

200g sweet potato, peeled and chopped

8 dried apricots, chopped

400ml chicken stock


  • Heat the oil in a pan and saute the onion for four minutes or until softened but not coloured.

  • Add the chunks of chicken thigh and saute for about two minutes. Add the sweet potato and saute for one minute.

  • Add the chopped apricots and pour over the chicken stock.

  • Bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for about 15 minutes or until tender.

  • Blend to a puree.

Shepherd's Pie

Recipe from our Harlow nursery chef.


750g of potatoes

500g of lamb mince

1 chopped onion

4 chopped carrots

200ml lamb stock

200g tin of tomatoes

25g butter

1 tsp mixed herbs

Dash of Worcester sauce


  • Brown onions then add mince. Once browned add tinned tomatoes, stock, carrots, herbs and Worcester sauce. Simmer for ten minutes.
  • Cook potatoes and mash with a small amount of milk and butter.
  • Add mince to an oven-proof dish and spread the potato over the top.
  • Cook in the oven for about 30 minutes at 200degC.