
Nursery World Awards 2013: Individuals - Newcomer of the Year

Careers & Training Provision
Winner: Jess Berry, Elmscot Day Nursery and Nursery School, Altrincham

Not only is Jess Berry an inspiration to the children she cares for, she is also a great role model for younger staff members. She is described as 'very professional, organised and enthusiastic, always has a smile on her face and is a pleasure to be around'.

Jess's motivation and enthusiasm has led to her progressing rapidly during her short time at Elmscot, starting as a student and then being promoted just four months after being employed as a nursery nurse. Nominating Jess, manager Jo Stretton comments, 'Jess is a huge credit to our nursery. She is extremely hard working and dedicates her time fully to the children within her care. She is full of energy and this is portrayed in the activities that are created for children on a daily basis.'

Jess's role as senior nursery nurse involves running a newly refurbished pre-school room for up to 18 children. She helped to design it herself, transforming office space into an exciting and stimulating space for learning where the children are flourishing and making great progress.

Jess is currently studying for her Early Years Foundation Degree and through this she is constantly introducing new ideas to the nursery. Judges praised Jess for her enthusiasm to keep learning and to offer her knowledge to colleagues. She is always keen to attend training courses and is then happy to share what she has learnt by developing staff handouts or holding in-house training sessions herself.

The staff team respond well to Jess and find her supportive and approachable. Her colleagues often nominate her for 'team member of the month', with comments including 'always prepared to help' and 'Jess is very hard working and gives support'.

Parents are also happy with the care she provides and often give positive feedback on the nursery website, thanking her for encouraging their children to thrive and noting how their children love chatting about her at home. In the words of one of the children she cares for, 'I love it when Jess plays with us.'


Amy McCartney, Kids Planet, Beamont


Open to early years practitioners with less than one year's experience at closing date.