
Nursery World Awards 14: Individuals - Outstanding Contribution

Careers & Training
Winner - Sally Forster,lead practitioner and deputy manager, Kidzone Cranwell

In Sally Forster's 21 years at Kidzone Cranwell, the RAF Benevolent Fund Childcare Centre, she has worked her way up from relatively unskilled practitioner to her current position as deputy manager and lead practitioner. She has been a leading force in professional team
development at the setting and is an indispensable member of the team.

She has also achieved a first class honours degree and her Early Years Professional Status while working full time.

Sally was a tower of strength in difficult times for the nursery when it almost folded in 2007 because of financial and management problems, reassuring staff, sorting out finances, setting up new policies, ensuring consistency for the children and being a link to the new management team. She has played a leading role in transforming the culture of the setting.

Sally's role has changed dramatically in her time at Kidzone. She has seen numerous legislation changes, been at the forefront of delivering new curriculums and is now a major influence in bringing quality childcare to the local RAF community. Her list of responsibilities is lengthy - she is a key person, organises staff induction and training schedules, monitors supervision and the curriculum, arranges setting visits, dance lessons and community outreach, and is a great support to the centre manager.

Parents who work in the military praise Sally for her support. 'Sally has been a rock, offering my children a safe, warm, consistent and welcoming environment when other aspects in their life haven't been so stable,' says one.

Her staff describe her as a modest, friendly and approachable person who helps them through personal and professional difficulties, and develops their confidence through her role modelling.

Sally's manager says she is relentless in her pursuit of excellence and sets extremely high standards, always remaining a champion for children whatever outside factors affect the business. 'I am privileged to have worked with Sally and believe she has made me a better manager,' she says.


Mary Barlow, director, the Totem Pole

Mary Barlow is owner and director of The Totem Pole, a training, development and resource centre in Lincolnshire. She has spent more than 45 years engaging, supporting and learning in the early years sector, inspiring practitioners and influencing practice. She has gained a strong reputation for programmes such as 'Beginning with Babies' and 'Fun on the Floor', and was Nursery World Trainer of the Year in 2011.

Debbie Lalley, Lark Lane Pre-School

Debbie Lalley has worked in childcare for almost 40 years, 25 of them at Lark Lane. Her staff say she is more than a manager - she is a friend, a coach and has a natural ability to lead. She ensures that they are all 'current thinkers and doers'. Debbie has an outstanding rapport with parents, who all wanted to express what a difference she had made to them.


Penny Webb, Penny's Place


Open to individuals whose long service and dedication to young children's care and education are truly inspiring.

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