
New issue of Nursery Management - now out!

Management Business
Don't miss the latest Nursery Management, free with this issue of Nursery World and covering all aspects of running a childcare business

In this issue:

  • With the extension of the Government's programme for offering free early education places to 40 per cent of two-year-olds, we look at how prepared nurseries and council are for delivery.

  • While keeping the focus on children's well-being, don't forget to look after the mental health of staff.

  • Is the drive for young children to attend school-run nurseries an opportunity for the PVI nursery sector?

  • The EYFS is a big selling point for international nurseries across the world. See it in action in China, Cuba, Finland and the UAE.

  • Many providers are setting up their own training arms. What do you need to know to go down this route?

  • Advice on the role of the SENCO following the changes to legislation on special educational needs and disabilities.
  • Nursery owner Caroline Jones looks back at 25 years of change in the early years sector.

  • What are the implications of the revised EYFS for safeguarding?

  • Why demand is outweighing supply for property sales in the nursery sector.

Subscribers can read all articles online - subscribe here.