
Inquiry into children's life chances

The Government has launched an inquiry into children's life chances.


The inquiry, launched by the Commons Work and Pensions and Education Select Committees, will examine Government proposals to introduce new life chances indicators – such as tracking child poverty by monitoring educational attainment at 16 and the number of children living in workless households. It also intends to set out a range of other indicators, including family breakdown, debt and addiction.

According to the Child Poverty Action Group, nine children in every UK classroom of 30 are poor.

Dr Lala Manners, director of Active Matters, said the recent Spending Review means councils have had budget cuts of up to £2 million, and has resulted in the closure of Sure Starts and the amalgamation of children’s centres.

The Foundation years and the UK Government's life chances strategy inquiry runs until 29 February. For information on sending a written submission click here