
Funding for the delivery of T Levels

The Government has launched a consultation into how funding will be distributed to providers from the 2020/21 academic year for the delivery of T Levels.

Education and Childcare will be one of the first T levels, or vocational programmes aimed at 16 to 19 year olds, to launch.

The consultation includes indicative funding bands. Childcare and Education has been allocated funding band 7 ‘medium’ which gives a base rate of £4,835 for each of the two years of the T level, before any top ups.

Funding for industry placements for students on T Levels has been set an at an indicative rate of £550 with half the funding in the first year and half in the second (i.e. £275 a year). However this is based on 315 hours of placements – well below the current 750 hour benchmark set for the current EYE qualification.

  • Read the consultation documents here
  • Consultation closes 19 Feb 2019