
From 1925 to 2010 - Nursery World's 85th anniversary

Take a trip through the decades with words and pictures from Nursery World magazine

Birthdays should be fun, and we always find an anniversary excursion through the pages of Nursery World magazines from years gone by to be a hugely enjoyable experience.

We're sure that you will find our 85th Anniversary supplement to be a fascinating read - sometimes humorous, sometimes wise, sometimes shocking! Some attitudes and practices have changed beyond recognition, while some aspects of early years care and education today are reflected in those past issues of the magazine.

Make a cup of tea, put your feet up, and lose yourself on a historic journey through childcare.

Nursery World has always been at the heart of the effort to ensure that children have the best start possible - find out about the history of the magazine and discover how practice, attitudes and salaries have changed since 1925 in 'Over the decades'.

Take a look at the different designs and styles of our front covers - with stars including Andrew Lloyd Webber and Prince Andrew featured in 'Got it covered!').

And read the wonderful extracts from past magazines, from knitting patterns to government policy, recipes to big business, in 'Through the Ages'.