
Enabling musical environments

Course outline

This course offers practical ideas to develop and enhance music provision in settings.  Participants will be given handouts and introduced to a free online resource which they can use following the session.  The session will be practical, interactive, and will draw upon film footage of children’ music making to enable practitioners to further their understanding of children’s musicality.

The session will explore:

  • Tuning into children and communicative musicality
  • How to create enabling musical environments using instruments
  • Auditory environments - how we can use recorded music effectively with young children.
  • Effective planning for musical activities linked to the EYFS, supporting all areas of learning through music making
  • Observing children’s creative musical play and how to nurture and interact with children’s music making
  • How to encourage and support composition

Your delegate fee includes lunch and refreshments throughout the day.

The Trainer

You can view Nicola Burke's biography on her dedicated Associates page.

Speaker/s: Nicola Burke

Time: 9am Registration, Course runs 9.30am - 3.30pm