
Cookery corner - Bubble and squeak cakes

Kale-rich bubble and squeak cakes served in a warm tomato sauce

As well as being highly nutritious and a fantastic way to use up leftovers, this recipe is great for involving children in mixing and moulding.

Serves: 2-3; makes about 4 cakes

Preparation time: 20 minutes, including time taken to cook

* denotes child-friendly activities


- 450g mashed potato (leftover mash is best)*

- 200g shredded kale (or other leftover greens)*

1/2 red onion, finely chopped

- bunch of fresh parsley, chopped*

- 2 eggs, beaten*

- pepper to taste

- 1/2 tbsp olive oil

- 1 tbsp plain or gluten-free flour (optional)


- 150g fresh or tinned tomatoes, chopped

- 1 garlic clove, crushed*

- 1 small carrot, peeled and grated

- dash of Worcestershire sauce

- 1 tsp tomato puree*

- pinch of paprika*

- 1/2 tsp balsamic vinegar

- pepper*

- 1/2 tbsp olive oil


- Gently fry the onion in the olive oil.

- When soft, add the kale and fry until wilted. Turn off the heat and set aside.

- In a large bowl, beat the eggs and add the parsley, pepper and mashed potato. Now tip in the onion and kale, mixing thoroughly.*

- If the mixture is too wet, add a little flour.*

- Now mould the bubble-and-squeak mix into palm-sized cakes.*

- Place the cakes onto a lined baking tray and flatten them slightly with the back of a spoon.*

- Pour 1 tbsp of olive oil into the pan and fry the cakes in batches over a medium heat.

- Fry each cake for 7-8 minutes, turning once, so that they get a crisp skin.

- Meanwhile, make the tomato sauce.

- In a small pan, gently heat the oil, pepper, garlic, paprika and grated carrot. Cook over a low heat until the carrot softens.

- Now add the tomatoes, tomato puree and balsamic vinegar.*

- Leave to simmer with the lid off until the sauce has reduced slightly.

- Season to taste with Worcestershire sauce and serve alongside the bubble-and-squeak cakes.

By Sofie Aldiss, food and nutrition lecturer at Norland College, Bath, www.norland.co.uk