
Active learning

Course outline

As one of the three Characteristics of Effective Learning, Active Learning holds a central place in firmly putting the child in the driving seat as the agent of their own learning.  A strong learner holds a basket of attributes that work together to support lifelong success:

·         a growth mindset

·         high motivation toward goals that are rewarding for their own sake

·         deep involvement, perseverance, seeking and enjoying challenge, bouncing back from difficulty.

Children are powerful learners from birth, but adults play a crucial role in supporting children to maintain their self-belief and motivation to learn.  This course will outline theories of motivation, and explore implications for practice in the way we interact with children and the opportunities we provide in the early years. 

The Trainer

You can view Nancy Stewart's biography on her dedicated Associates page.

This is part of our Characteristics of Effective Learning series - with The Power of Play and Creative and Critical Thinking  - book all three today!

Speaker/s: Nancy Stewart

Time: 9.30-3.30