
Early Years Teacher Status Diary - Setting out action plans

Students are gearing up for work placements and development reviews. And in the midst of the festive season they are also focusing on the wider rights of the child, through organisations such as Children in Crisis, says Nikki Fairchild

Christmas is approaching and each of the pathways are preparing for the festive season. They are encouraged to link all the taught sessions to strands in the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years).

The Graduate Practitioner Pathway (GPP)

Following reading week the teaching has explored safeguarding and child protection allowing trainees to make links between theory and practice. We have discussed transitions and reflected on the many different types, for example, room to room, home to setting and setting to school. Transitions were linked to understanding behaviour and discussions were held around how to promote pro-social behaviour. Trainees were asked to complete a maths audit in their settings and report back, there were then discussions around how to promote an environment for maths exploration.

All trainees have had a development review and have set an action plan with their tutor to support them as they move towards their setting visits. They have also submitted their second of four assignments for review.

The Graduate Entry Pathway (GEP)

Following their second block placement the GEP’s were able to reflect on their time in placement. A tutor observation had taken place whilst on block placement and feedback had been provided to trainees. They were asked to review observations, assessment and planning in their placement settings and to become familiar with the range of relevant setting policies.

Taught sessions included promoting pro-social behaviour and conflict resolution and reflect on how they deal with this in their settings (or have seen it dealt with). Trainees have also been introduced to the written assignment process and how to evidence the standards in their writing.

The Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway (UPP)

All trainees have completed their Professional Practice module and are due to submit their assignments and portfolios. These will be marked for the module but will also be assessed and counted as part of the Early Years Teacher Status summative assessment.

Trainees have presented their research into Children in Crisis. The topics ranged from children affected by the war in Syria, child brides in the Yemen and China’s one child policy. The presentations were very thought provoking.

The Undergraduate Entry Pathway (UEP)

BA (hons) Placements, Children in Crisis and Independent Projects have been the focus for UEP trainees this month. In addition there have been EYTS sessions which explored sustained shared thinking and quality interactions – here trainees were able to link theory to practice and reflect on what they had seen in their placements. There were also discussions around working with two-year olds and the two-year-old check, this allowed consideration of statutory assessments.

Professional Practice

I have been made aware of the drive to ensure that the United Nations places child development at the heart of its International early years frameworks. This campaign has been supported by Tessa Jowell who has asked practitioners to consider signing a petition on Change.org. This is an International movement to ensure the best for young children of all nations and to keep all Governments focused on this aim. Should you wish to join the signatories access the link here

Nikki Fairchild is programme co-ordinator at Chichester University