
Early Years Teacher Diary – So far, so good

Programme co-ordinator Nikki Fairchild describes how training for the first cohort of Early Years Teachers has got off to a strong start

The professional standards are different to those which have been used by Early Years Professionals on their training pathways. There is a greater focus on educational programmes, group learning and more formal aspects of learning, which have been termed ‘school readiness’ and there has been a critique that play, multi-agency working and, to some extent, parents have been marginalised. Trainees are still required to demonstrate their personal practice and leadership with babies, toddlers and young children.

Although the teaching has been revised to consider the new professional standards it is important to be mindful that we, as providers, are keen for the training to reflect the Early Years sector philosophy and needs. This enables us to ask candidate to take a critically analytic view of the requirements of the Teachers’ Standards (Early Years) and link this to a child centred view of pedagogy and practice. By doing this they should be able to make links within their own contexts and support the children and families they work with in an appropriate way.

The Graduate Practitioner Pathway (GPP)

Within this pathway trainees already have experience of working in the early years and the topics covered reflects this. The teaching is based on a model of group work and taught sessions, with groups discussing aspects of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC).

Some of the key issues covered this month have included professionalisation and leadership where trainees consider what these concepts mean to them and how to lead during times of change. They have also reflected on differing pedagogical approaches and how their own pedagogy may develop over the coming months. Additionally we have considered the concept of ‘the child’ and ‘childhood’ where articles were analysed and discussed as well as trainees’ own experiences and subjectivities.

The Graduate Entry Pathway (GEP)

The GEPs attend University on the same day as the GPPs and join them in the afternoon to share different perspectives on topics. In the morning sessions their tutor, Alex Algieri, explores and develops their thinking on the headline concerns for early years practitioners.

This month the subjects have included what it means to be a reflective practitioner and how to keep and use a reflective journal. Child development has been discussed and trainees have been able to research different theorists and link this to their growing knowledge. There has also been a session on the concept of quality in ECEC; how this is defined, attempts at measurement and what this means.

The Undergraduate Practitioner Pathway (UPP)

Trainees on this pathway are undertaking two academic modules this semester – Professional Practice and Children in Crisis. Within the Professional Practice module trainees have considered how to be a reflective practitioner, different ways of working with parents and reviewed the Mosaic Approach and giving the child a voice.

The Children in Crisis module allows trainees to reflect on wider global issues. This month trainees have considered the situation in Syria and the impact this has on children and the one child policy in China. They have also had a guest speaker to discuss the impact of homelessness on children.

The Undergraduate Entry Pathway (UEP)

The UEP trainees are combining their final year of the BA (Early Childhood Studies) and Early Years Teacher Status. Topics covered this month included an introduction to reflective practice and discussions around quality. There has been an introduction to wider pedagogy, including social pedagogy and discussions around best practice for observations, assessment and planning in ECEC.

Nikki Fairchild is programme co-ordinator at Chichester University