
Welcome to 2022 with our January issue!

Check out our new series – including an in-depth guide to unlocking best practice outdoors, a management four-parter focused on anti-racist leadership and a managers’ problem page, designed to tackle topical dilemmas head on. Plus all our expert, hands-on activities and the latest poster in our construction series – featuring homes.

Best practice features: 

  • New series – Keys to the outdoors
    Expert Jan White kicks off a new series spanning 12 monthly parts unlocking every aspect of best practice outdoors. In part 1 she examines staff attitudes and suggests how to build their confidence and positivity.
  • Expressive Arts and Design: Focus on painting – with Penny Tassoni. Support children to immerse themselves in the joy of painting and find out how it can link to all areas of the EYFS.
  • Health and nutrition – the Family Hubs network which offers services to children, young people and their families is on course for expansion. Meredith Jones Russell takes a look at what they offer.
  • Take advice from the Early Years Nutrition Partnership – a new monthly column which provides information on nutrition, menus and mealtimes.
  • Anatomy: ‘V’ is for vulva – Caroline Vollans explains why we should teach young children the correct name for all parts of the human body.
  • Intergenerational learning – discover how young and old have renunited in Torbay to celebrate nature and music making outdoors, as part of a new series of intergenerational projects. 

    In our activity section: 
  • V... is for Values, Visits and Watermelons in our ongoing A – Z of activities at the outstanding Rachel Keeling Nursery School; in this month’s SEND feature Georgina Durrant outlines a range of practical activities that support children to analyse a situation and problem solve; tap into ideas and essential resources to support children’s rotation schemes; start 2022 with our brand new Outdoor Calendar for January which features activities linked to communication and language, and making the most of small spaces.


  • Special report: Get up to speed on the latest developments in early years training and qualifications, from T Levels to degrees.

Staff health and wellbeing

  • Charlotte Goddard investigates the importance of respecting all aspects of personal identity and considers issues around intersectionality.

Anti-racist leadership

Managers’ problem page –new series

News, analysis and opinion includes –

  • Analysis – what will 2022 bring?
    Find out about the hopes and dreams of a diverse range of individuals in the sector.

  • Health inequalities
    With health inequalities between disadvantaged and advantaged children increasing, according to new research, we look at why new resources are urgently needed.


  • Michael Pettavel, nursery school headteacher: How we can change our view of the world from fitting in to belonging.
  • Rachael White, the RSPB: Why it’s important to get involved with the annual Big Schools’ Birdwatch
