
Victory for the early years sector over ratios

The Government has bowed to fierce opposition and ditched the proposed changes to staff: child ratios for nurseries and childminders.

After months of campaigning by the early years sector and parenting organisations, Nick Clegg has confirmed that the changes to ratios for pre-school children that were consulted on earlier in the year have been scrapped.

Mr Clegg said that the decision has been made not to press ahead with the ratio plans, because evidence is overwhelmingly against changing them.

He acknowledged that the proposals were heavily criticised by providers, parents and experts and that there is 'no real evidence' that the changes would save parents money.

Just two weeks ago, an economic analysis published by the Department for Education claimed that changes to ratios would allow nurseries to cut fees for parents by as much as 28 per cent and allow nurseries to increase their revenue by £200,000 a year. The figures were slammed by the sector as 'a fantasy'.

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