
Updated guidance for early years practitioners on two-year-old check

New guidance for early years practitioners on carrying out the progress check at age two has been released by the Department for Education (DfE).
The DfE has updated guidance on the two -year-old check
The DfE has updated guidance on the two -year-old check

It replaces and updates previous guidance on the check to reflect the revised EYFS and new Development Matters.

An aim of the non-statutory guidance is to reduce practitioners’ workloads by reminding them they do not need to spend a long time away from children in their care to complete the check.

It advises practitioners use their professional judgement when undertaking the assessments and avoid ‘excessive’ tracking and data.

The guidance is also intended to encourage education and health professionals to work together on an integrated review.

However, Beatrice Merrick, chief executive of Early Education told Nursery World that the ‘Government’s ambition to move towards an integrated progress check has proved very tricky in practice.’

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