
Turning over a new leaf

Help the children to make a New Year's resolution tree. Planned learning intention
Help the children to make a New Year's resolution tree.

Planned learning intention

Personal, social and emotional development


Thin card, paint, crayons, a large plant pot, a branch with lots of twigs

Step by step

* Share with the children the meaning of New Year's resolutions and ask them to give examples of appropriate resolutions.

* Explain to the children what the saying 'turning over a new leaf' means. Discuss the similarities between this and New Year's resolutions.

* Ask the children what they want to try to change this year - for example, tidying their room, saying please and thank you, and so on.

* Fill a large plant pot with sand. Place a large branch that has plenty of twigs on it into the pot, securing it with the sand.

* Get the children to make leaf shapes and decorate them as they wish, such as with crayons or by splattering paint over the leaf using a toothbrush.

* Let the children write or draw a picture on the back of their leaf to show the way in which they plan to 'turn over a new leaf'.