
Toes, tongues, trains

THIS WEEK... Project outline

Project outline


Explore patterns from the man-made world

Mini topic

Get your hands on some fresh art activities

Try a game that will challenge children's tactile senses, concentration, memory and matching abilities.

Planned learning intention

To move with confidence and respond to simple instructions.


A large open space and plenty of children.

Step by step

* Take the children to a large, open space, indoors or outdoors.

* Ask the children to find a space to stand.

* Call out the names of body parts, getting the children to touch each body part that you name. If you call 'heads' they have to touch their heads and so on.

* When you call out 'trains', the children have to run and stand in a line, one behind the other with their hands on the shoulders of the child in front, like train carriages.

* Encourage them to move around as one long train until you call out 'Go to your stations', when all the children should return to a space on their own.

* Start calling out the names of body parts again, and so on.