
The giant's keys

THIS WEEK... Project outline

Project outline

Under the sea

Dive into a lively new project

Mini topic

Rearrange your ideas for using jigsaw puzzles

Children will enjoy this sociable variation on the game of tag.

Planned learning intention

To listen to a story and describe the principal characters


Copy of 'Jack and the Beanstalk' a set of keys

Step by step

* Adapt 'Jack and the Beanstalk' so that the giant has a set of keys for his castle.

* Tell the story to the children and ask them to describe the characteristics of the main characters.

* Encourage the children to think that the giant was unfriendly and mean.

* Explain to the children that you are going to play a game and that you are going to be the giant.

* In a large, open space, stand with your back to the children and place the set of keys behind you. Encourage the children to creep up quietly to get the keys.

* Explain that you will turn round if you hear any noise and that if you see anyone moving when you turn round they will be out of the game.

* Let the person who manages to get the keys successfully be the giant the next time round.