
Teaching unions in Northern Ireland

Teaching unions in Northern Ireland disputing pay parity have signalled their readiness to take part in conciliation with employers under the auspices of the Labour Relations Agency. But Frank Bunting, secretary of the Northern Ireland Teachers' Council, said terms of reference for the talks had not been finalised. He said NASUWT, the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, Ulster Teachers'
Teaching unions in Northern Ireland disputing pay parity have signalled their readiness to take part in conciliation with employers under the auspices of the Labour Relations Agency. But Frank Bunting, secretary of the Northern Ireland Teachers'

Council, said terms of reference for the talks had not been finalised. He said NASUWT, the Irish National Teachers' Organisation, Ulster Teachers'

Union and Association of Teachers and Lecturers would continue industrial action to secure pay parity with their colleagues in England and Wales. The dispute arose after employers implemented the second stage of a grading process for senior teachers a year later than in Wales and England, denying teachers a year's back pay.