
Supporting Refugee Children in 21st Century Britain

Supporting Refugee Children in 21st Century Britain by Jill Rutter
Supporting Refugee Children in 21st Century Britain

by Jill Rutter

(Trentham Books, 19.99, ISBN: 1 85856 292 9, 01782 745567)

Reviewed by Mary Garry, nursery head at Sighthill Nursery, Glasgow This book is informative, practical and an interesting read for anyone who works with asylum seeker and refugee families. It identifies and expands on everyday difficulties and provides examples of good practice.

The author has carried out in-depth research, particularly in Part Three, which provides very useful information on the background of various countries. There is detailed referencing throughout the book.

Chapters 7 and 8, exploring the role of the EAL teacher and bilingualism, are helpful and provide good arguments on many issues which are at the core of the progression of these young people through the education system.

Jill Rutter's background as education officer for the Refugee Council for 13 years is reflected in the way some issues are raised in the book and at times provides a political bias. It would also have been helpful to have more reference to Scotland and other parts of the UK.