
Reindeer Christmas card

Key learning intentions Creative development
Key learning intentions

Creative development


* Dark brown, white, black and red paint * thin card * light brown card made into squares * different sized potatoes * scissors * PVA glue * permanent markers

Step by step

* Invite the children to make handprints using dark brown paint on to a sheet of thin card.

* When these are dry, ask the children to cut their two handprints out.

Younger children may require support in carrying out this exercise.

* Turn the square of brown card so that it looks like a diamond shape and fold it in half to create a triangle.

* Stick the cut out handprints to the folded end of the triangle to make antlers.

* Cut the potatoes in half for the children to use to make prints.

* Provide the children with a larger potato to make a white print for the reindeer's eye.

* Using a smaller potato they can make a black print for the pupils.

* Finally, they can print a round red nose at the point of the triangle.

Alternatively, a large red pom-pom can be stuck on as a nose.

* Encourage the children to write a greeting on the inside of the card.