
Providers left in the dark over funding rates

Providers across the country say they are unable to budget for the year ahead as many local authorities have yet to consult on 2020/21 funding rates, which will be effective from April.
Jack-in-the-Box Pre-school says its consultation was 'rushed'
Jack-in-the-Box Pre-school says its consultation was 'rushed'

Providers across the country say they are unable to budget for the year ahead as many local authorities have yet to consult on 2020/21 funding rates, which will be effective from April.

The Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) requires local authorities to consult childcare providers on annual changes to their local funding formula. Schools forums must also be consulted on changes.

However, Essex County Council, Kent County Council (KCC) and Bolton Council told Nursery World they do not need to consult with providers as they plan to pass on the full funding increase to settings. The DfE said local authorities should seek their own legal advice.

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