
Outdoor Challenge winners ready to transform their grounds

Old Town Children's Centre in Poole, Dorset, is the winner of Nursery World's Outdoor Challenge 2010, organised in association with Learning through Landscapes.

The centre, serving one of the 30 per cent most deprived areas in the country, wins a £6,000 Safe Shade canopy, a £2,000 Safe Shade graphics panel and a Learning through Landscapes site visit worth £400.

Opened a year ago, the Centre's aim is to provide free-flow access for all children, an attractive and adventurous space that encourages problem solving, and an area for community members to grow flowers and vegetables.

Teacher Clare Schmieder said, 'It is very exciting for us and it will make a huge difference to how we can use the outdoor space in all weathers.'

In second place was Weldon C of E Primary in Northamptonshire, whose prizes include 20 sets of Raindrops waterproof jackets and dungarees, worth £700, and a 'freeflow' curtain from Freeflow Curtains, worth £100.

The school, which has created a stimulating and 'open-ended' environment for Foundation Stage children on limited resources, wants to make additions to its space including a sensory area, workshop and storyteller's chair.

Taking the third prize - a £200 Crate Time den kit from TTS Group and a £100 Freeflow curtain - was Archfield House Nursery School in Bristol.

The private setting already has a high-quality outdoor area for the older children and now the staff team's ambition is to transform the baby/toddler area into 'a more vibrant, interactive creative learning space'.

See next week's Nursery World (25 February) for more about our winners.