
Ofsted shows what outstanding practice looks like

Examples of outstanding provision from Ofsted inspections of early years providers inspected in the Early Years Foundation Stage have been published online.

The guides for childminding  and childcare groups, called A passion to be outstanding, include real-life cases of practice from outstanding providers that inspectors found on their visits.

Nine per cent of childminders and a similar proportion of childcare settings were judged outstanding between the introduction of the EYFS in September 2008 and June 2009.

The childminding guide includes examples of what some childminders have written in their self-evaluation forms. It covers best practice in keeping children safe; diversity and inclusion; learning and development; planning; partnership; and improvement.

The guide for childcare groups includes examples of best practice in planning and partnership; outdoor play; diversity and inclusion; leadership and improvement; key persons; and keeping children safe.

A revised guide on how Early Years Foundation Stage providers can prepare for their Ofsted inspection has also been issued.

Are you ready for your inspection? is an updated version of guidance originally published in July last year, with links to relevant publications on Ofsted's website.