
Ofsted register fees set to soar

Childminders and other early years settings will see Ofsted registration fees rise up to 20 fold in the next three years, under Government plans to move away from subsidising them.

A consultation launched this week by the DCSF proposes a new fee bandsystem for providers joining the Early Years Register (EYR), forchildren below the age of compulsory schooling, and the Ofsted ChildcareRegister (OCR), a compulsory part for children aged six to seven yearsand a voluntary part for children aged eight and over. The fee levelswill be phased in from September 2008. If providers join both registersthey will pay one fee.

Childminders are in Band 1, term-time sessional and out-of-schoolproviders in Band 2, and full-day care and provision opening 45 weeks ayear or more and five days a week or more in Band 3.

The EYR annual costs to daycare settings in 2010 will represent anincrease of nearly 300 per cent from this year, with fees rising from155 to 450. Out-of-school care will experience an evenhigher increase with the current fee of 20 rising to 400in 2010. Fees for childminders will rise from 20 this year to100 in 2010. OCR fees will be 103 for individual providersand 114 for group providers from September 2008.

The consultation says that fees would be re-directed via localauthorities to subsidise providers who most need it.

Further information: Responses to the consultation Childcare Act 2006:Future Approach to Fees and Subsidies, at,must be made by 20 February.