
Observation: an example

Danielle (4 years 6 months)

(4 years 6 months)

Evidence (example of observation)

Drew picture of lots of people, then asked to write about it. Wrote her name (or letters from it) but then said she didn't know how to write. I suggested she had a go, then she could ask me to write it. She told me what she had written 'The little girl was in bed' and I then wrote it for her.

Area of learning Literacy

What does it tell us about this child's learning and development?

First attempt at writing more than the letters from her name.

Implications for planning

Model writing for her by ensuring she sees adults writing for a range of purposes and encourage her to have a go at her own writing when relevant in activities and play.

Source: Right from the Start by Vicky Hutchin (Hodder & Stoughton)