
Nursery World Awards 2008: Individuals - Early Years Professional of the Year

WINNER: Helen Easby, Newcastle College Day Nursery

Since she began her career at Newcastle College, Helen has demonstratedall the qualities that Early Years Professional Status seeks to uphold -not only delivering and striving towards better practice, but forgingthe way forward for others as well.

Helen's task when she joined the college in 2002 was to create a25-place campus nursery from scratch. The nursery was to be solelydedicated to supporting students, and it is now a lifeline for parentswishing to return to training and education.

Many are vulnerable young mothers wishing to finish GCSEs, and asignificant number are refugees or asylum-seekers learning English.

Colleagues describe Helen as inspirational, and what sprung out from hernomination was a constant striving to improve. She is known as a beaconof good practice in the region, and her team was filmed and photographedfor the Early Years Foundation Stage pack. Helen was then called on todeliver training to early years providers in the region.

The impact her belief has had on her team is clear from the comments onher nomination. One colleague said, 'She insists we must never thinkthat we've reached the top; we can always improve and become stronger.'Another said, 'We share her vision of continuous prestige in thefield.'

Her passion for outdoor play has led to the creation of a fantasticenvironment at Newcastle College Day Nursery. Thanks to Helen'scampaigning, the garden is equipped with two man-made hills, aninnovative design ideal for rolling and sledging. A fire pit is the nextproject.

Helen is never too busy to provide sensitive one-to-one care for bothchildren and parents. The added pressure of exams and coursework is achallenge she never fails to address and find individual solutions to,helping students and their families succeed.

HIGHLY COMMENDED: Rachel Tregear, Little Monkeys Nursery, Horsham, WestSussex

Support and dedication were the words that colleagues and parents usedto sum up Rachel, while the managing director at Little Monkeysdescribes her as 'one in a million'. Rachel joined the nursery straightfrom university, and within six months she was promoted to room leaderand began studying for her EYP Status. She has become an excellentleader to a team of eight, dealing with up to 36 children on the busiestdays. Her steady and cheerful influence has boosted morale, with staffbecoming more supportive of each other and more motivated to bettertheir practice. The loyalty she inspires demonstrates her skilledleadership - one member of staff even bought her thank you flowersbecause she was so touched by Rachel's support when she was unwell.


Open to practitioners who have gained Early Years Professional Statusand have shown leadership in their settings and the sector.

- Sponsored by CWDC.