
Nurseries pledge deaf child support

More than 500 nurseries and schools have signed up to a ten-point special pledge which aims to improve learning for thousands of deaf children. Although the Diamond Deaf Friendly Pledge is not due to be launched until 18 June, the National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) said it has been swamped by offers of support from teachers at nurseries and primary and secondary schools.
More than 500 nurseries and schools have signed up to a ten-point special pledge which aims to improve learning for thousands of deaf children.

Although the Diamond Deaf Friendly Pledge is not due to be launched until 18 June, the National Deaf Children's Society (NDCS) said it has been swamped by offers of support from teachers at nurseries and primary and secondary schools.

Gwen Carr, NDCS director of UK services and a former teacher of the deaf, said, 'Schools and nurseries are keen to support deaf children but often lack the knowledge and expertise that will enable them to do so. This can be particularly true in mainstream environments with only one or two deaf students.'

She added, 'By signing up to the NDCS Diamond Deaf Friendly Pledge, schools and nurseries are promising to make the environment better for deaf children and consequently for all children. The materials we will provide will help them make the necessary changes to ensure deaf children get the most out of learning.'

Bridges Childcare, a nursery in Wormbridge, Herefordshire, has supported the pledge and has one deaf child and two with hearing loss as a result of glue ear. Manager Lianne Piggott, who is trained to use sign language, said, 'I wanted to raise awareness and ensure that the voice of these children will be heard. We have lots of activities and songs where we incorporate signs. It is also support for the parents, not just the children, which is important.'

Nurseries and schools signing up to the pledge will receive a booklet providing advice, hints and tips on each of the pledge's ten points and a checklist for monitoring progress.

They will pledge to ensure that the whole school community is deaf aware, fosters good attitudes towards deafness, promotes effective communication, develops an acoustically friendly environment, uses technical equipment effectively and works in partnership with specialist support teams and agencies.

Information is available from Clare Barnardiston on 020 7014 1115 or e-mail at