
Number of Covid cases in early years settings more than doubles

Early years sector organisations are calling on the Government to set out plans to keep settings safe and financially sustainable amid a sharp rise in coronavirus cases.
Official figures show show that Ofsted received 3,697 reports of Covid-19 in settings on 20 December PHOTO Adobe Stock
Official figures show show that Ofsted received 3,697 reports of Covid-19 in settings on 20 December PHOTO Adobe Stock

Latest figures show a dramatic rise in the number of early years settings who reported that they had one or more Covid cases at their nursery, pre-school, or childminding setting in the week before Christmas.

The Government’s latest figures on Covid-19 notifications by early years settings to Ofsted, show that the inspectorate received 3,697 reports of Covid-19 in settings on 20 December, up from 2,935 for the week of 13 December, and 1,601 for the week of 6 December.

The data is far higher than last winter’s peak of 2,357 reports in a week on the 8 January 2021. It was not until 22 November last year that this figure was topped when reports rose to 2,707 in a week.

Unlike older children and adults, there is currently no requirement for under-fives to isolate or take daily lateral flow tests if they have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive with Covid.

Commenting, Neil Leitch, CEO of the Early Years Alliance, said, ‘It’s staggering that at a time when so many nurseries, pre-schools and childminders are being affected by the rapid spread of the Omicron variant, the Government has yet to announce any financial or practical support for our vital sector.

‘Reports of positive Covid-19 cases in early years settings were already skyrocketing before the Christmas break, but here we are, a week into January, with daily testing for some sectors, a staffing fund and the call for retirees to return to the profession for schools, but not a word about support for early years.

‘Given that there is no requirement for under-fives to isolate or take daily lateral flow tests if they have been in close contact with a positive Covid case, many in the early years are understandably deeply concerned about their ability to protect themselves, their colleagues and their loved ones from the virus, especially given that those who ask children to stay home in that instance could face lost fees and funding as a result.

‘There has been much discussion on the need to safeguard schools from this latest Covid-19 wave, but ignoring the needs of the early years sector will cause huge disruption for parents, employers and, of course, young children as well. With the end of this crisis still seemingly a long way off, the Government must immediately set out what it plans to do to ensure that early years providers are able to remain both safe and financially sustainable through this outbreak and beyond.’

Purnima Tanuku, chief executive of the National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA), said, ‘We can see that the soaring community Covid case numbers are now reflected in the sudden uplift of notifications in early years settings from mid-December onwards. Cases more than doubled in just two weeks.

‘We expect these very high statistics to continue this month with nurseries continuing to tell us that many children and staff are unable to attend nursery. 

‘NDNA is urgently collecting the latest data to show us the current trends week on week so we can ensure the Government understands the pressures that childcare providers are under. We will use this up-to-date evidence to make the strong case that the sector needs urgent support.’

A Department for Education spokesperson said, ‘We have provided extensive guidance for the early years workforce on the measures to take to reduce the spread of Covid-19, as well as significant financial support to protect providers from the impact of the pandemic. Providers can use existing flexibilities set out in the Early Years Statutory Framework to manage short-term workforce pressures, so long as children continue to be cared for safely.

‘Early years settings are eligible to apply for the 7,000 air cleaning units we are providing to improve ventilation and nurseries receive rapid lateral flow test kits via the separate education delivery routes. Both nurseries and childminders operating in groups of four or more were also included in the roll out of CO2 monitors last term.’

  • The latest data on reported Covid cases in early years settings is available here