
New website to get parents moving with babies and toddlers

A new initiative has been launched to help parents and carers be more active with their young children and encourage early movement skills.

The Let’s Play project aims to get parents and carers of the under-fives to be more active with their children and help them develop their motor and dexterity skills.

To support parents and carers to incorporate play that develops their child’s physical development into their normal routine, the project’s website features downloadable resources and video clips of activities to use with babies and toddlers including ‘tummy time’, rough and tumble play and throwing and catching.

The resources on the site have been developed using feedback from early years settings, health visitors and sports organisations involved in developing the scheme.

There are also plans to incorporate activities and training for families with pre-school children on the website.

The Let’s Play Project has been created by Greater Sport, part of the Greater Manchester Sports Partnership, a body that brings together organisations championing sport and physical activity.
It has been launched to meet one of the four key commitments to encourage early movement set out by the Changing Lives initiative, which Greater Sport is championing as part of the city’s commitment to the Olympic and Paralympic 2012 games.

Last month the Government published the first-ever UK-wide guidance on physical activity, recommending that children under the age of five, who are capable of walking unaided, should be physically active for at least 180 minutes throughout the day.