
New money for sports facilities

(Photograph) - New money for sports facilities could make for livelier playgrounds like this one at the Rolls Crescent Primary School in Hulme, Manchester. Outdoor play was given a funding boost last week when sports minister Kate Hoey and schools minister Jacqui Smith announced that 130m is to be distributed to 350 primary schools to improve their sports and arts facilities. Jacqui Smith said, 'I am sure that the improvements to facilities which will result from this investment in schools will support higher standards in sport and arts education. Local primary schools are often at the heart of their communities, and are ideally placed to meet community needs for sport, arts and social activities.' See our eight-page pull-out on outdoor learning, p 15 Photo Chris Thomand
(Photograph) - New money for sports facilities could make for livelier playgrounds like this one at the Rolls Crescent Primary School in Hulme, Manchester. Outdoor play was given a funding boost last week when sports minister Kate Hoey and schools minister Jacqui Smith announced that 130m is to be distributed to 350 primary schools to improve their sports and arts facilities. Jacqui Smith said, 'I am sure that the improvements to facilities which will result from this investment in schools will support higher standards in sport and arts education. Local primary schools are often at the heart of their communities, and are ideally placed to meet community needs for sport, arts and social activities.' See our eight-page pull-out on outdoor learning, p 15

Photo Chris Thomand