
New chief executive for Daycare Trust

The Daycare Trust has confirmed the appointment of Anand Shukla as the charity's new chief executive.

Formerly Daycare Trust’s business director, Anand Shukla has been acting as the charity’s chief executive since last September, during which time he has led the organisation through a merger with the National Association of Family Information Services. He has also spearheaded the organisation’s campaign against cuts to Sure Start children’s centres.

Prior to joining the Daycare Trust, Mr Shukla worked on developing social enterprise at children’s charity Barnardos, along with working in business development for a number of publishing companies.

On his new appointment Mr Shukla said, ‘I am delighted to have been appointed as chief executive of such an outstanding and effective organisation. The progress that has been made in making childcare more widely available, improving quality and increasing financial support towards childcare, is testament to all Daycare Trust has achieved in its first 25 years.’

He added, ‘However, there is still much to be done to improve childcare in the UK, which must be at the heart of any effective national family-friendly strategy. Childcare is still far too expensive when compared to our European neighbours and it needs to be available at times which work for families. It is also crucial for child development that childcare is of high quality. I look forward to leading Daycare Trust’s campaign to make high-quality, affordable childcare a reality for all parents in the UK.’