
My Family Week to celebrate the uniqueness of every family

Spending more time together as a family was one of the consequences of lockdown. The importance of family, no matter how it is made up, is the focus of celebrations during October’s My Family Week.
My Family Week runs between 12-18 October
My Family Week runs between 12-18 October

Early years trainer and consultant Laura Henry-Allain created the special week in 2017 to celebrate the uniqueness of each family. She felt the stigma of growing up in a single-parent household and is concerned that just focusing on traditional Mother’s Day and Father’s Day celebrations may trigger a sense of not belonging in some children.

My Family Week, which will run from Monday 12 - 18 October 2020, is devised to include those who live in ‘non-conventional’ families.

It aims to celebrate all family groupings, including children with same-sex parents, those who are fostered, who are young carers, have step families or half brothers and sisters, are bereaved, blended, those who are adopted or who live with grandparents and other family members.

During the week, Ms Henry-Allain will share a range of open-ended activities, experiences and provocations that early years settings and parents can use to support children to tell their personalised story. There is also a special song to accompany the celebrations.

‘Lockdown has prompted many of us to reflect on the importance of family life and belonging,’ said Ms Henry-Allain.

‘My Family Week is a unique concept that I created three years ago, with a strong emphasis on empowering children to celebrate their family. The idea is that every child has an opportunity to share and celebrate with their family, however that family may look – every family is different. I have created a range of resources for schools, settings and families, which they can adapt to create their own.’ 

Those celebrating the week can share stories and connect with each other on social media using the hashtag: #MyFamilyWeek.