
More families visiting their local library thanks to reading charity scheme

More than 60 per cent of libraries that took part in a pilot to boost engagement among parents with young children reported that the scheme helped them attract new families.
More than 60 per cent of libraries that took part in BookTrust's Storytime said the pilot helped them attract new families, PHOTO BookTrust
More than 60 per cent of libraries that took part in BookTrust's Storytime said the pilot helped them attract new families, PHOTO BookTrust

Of the 2,366 libraries across England and Northern Ireland that participated in reading charity BookTrust’s Storytime pilot last year, 65 per cent said the six-week scheme helped them attract new families. According to findings from the scheme, 83 per cent said the pilot, which ran last autumn, had supported their work engaging with children under five.

The aim of BookTrust’s Storytime pilot, which is to return for a second year, was to encourage families with young children to engage with their local library and make sharing stories a ‘regular part of life’. Libraries that took part were sent a curated selection of children’s books and given access to digital resources.

To attract new families, libraries worked in close partnership with local community organisations, including children’s centres, nurseries and community groups.

Libraries that took part reported that the pilot created opportunities for staff to engage with families who had not had a chance to participate in community activities during the pandemic. They were able to dispel the misconception that libraries are places where children are expected to sit quietly and helped families overcome nervousness about participating in group activities after Covid restrictions.

Outside of the pilot, the participating libraries said many families signed up for membership.

Due to the success of the pilot, Storytime is to return this year, but run for nine months from the autumn, thanks to funding from Arts Council England. 

A total of 2,500 libraries in England and Northern Ireland will be invited to take part in this year’s pilot from September. All those involved will receive six books selected for BookTrust’s Storytime Prize shortlist for 2023, as well as digital tools and support. Of those taking part, 1,000 libraries that are considered as ‘greatest in need’ in by the charity, will also receive a suite of additional resources.

BookTrust will also develop a bilingual pilot for libraries in Wales. 

Diana Gerald, chief executive of BookTrust, said, ‘Developing our reading support for low-income families in the early years is a key priority for BookTrust, so children can enjoy the life-changing benefits of reading. BookTrust Storytime forms part of our wider approach to offer families multiple and targeted opportunities to share stories together as early as possible, laying the foundations for an ongoing reading habit.'

Linda Howell, learning coordinator children and families at Luton Libraries, which took part in last year’s pilot, said, ‘We worked closely with local nurseries and other services to reach new families, to talk to them about the support available in the library and encourage them to come and join us. The story sharing sessions, books and activities went down really well with both the parents and their children. For one of the sessions, we had over 50 families join us, which was fantastic to see. Many parents talked to their friends and families and encouraged them to come along with their own children, which was not only a sign that they had a great time, but also further extended our reach.

‘Many of the first-time parents told us they were determined to make an effort to revisit the library in the future and we’re hoping in turn they will become regular users.’

  • The findings from the BookTrust's Storytime pilot are available here