
Mesh stitching

Provide tactile experiences and encourage skills by creating a mesh weaving. Key learning objective - Physical development
Provide tactile experiences and encourage skills by creating a mesh weaving.

Key learning objective - Physical development


Mesh bag for holding fruit from the supermarket, thisk coloured card, coloured wools and yarns and scissors

Step by step

* Cut the mesh bag open to provide a flat surface.

* Make a frame for the weaving using teh card. Ask the children to decide what shape they would like , such as a heart, a car or an irregular shape. Cut out this space from the inside of a square piece of thick card.

* Tape the mesh to the back of the frame and trim of the excess.

* Make a collection of different threading materials , such as wool, raffia, ribbon and braid and so on. Cut these into short lengths.

* Place a piece of tape around the end of the length of yarn to make it easier to thread through the mesh.

* Encourage the children to stitch patterns in and out of teh holes in the mesh to make a picture.

* Tape any loose ends to the reverse of the frame.

* Hang the mesh pictures on the wall or window.